Are you a high school or college student, recent graduate, or young professional struggling to find your career direction? Personalized career planning from Priority Candidates moves you from indecision to your career.
In-Depth Career Assessment Testing
One-on-One Career Path Counseling
Targeted Career Matches
Career Coach Evaluation
There are over 800 careers to choose from. If you don’t know which path to take, you…
We don’t want that for you. Your assessment specialist is an experienced career planning expert who is able to identify the best job matches:
We combine a scientific data-driven approach with deep insights gained from guided career planning conversations to provide a sharp focus on your unique attributes and the careers that best match your profile.
Our program helps you to increase self-awareness as well as your understanding of the job market. You will learn the skills and background required to pursue a career in the areas that align with your specific career matches. The results also help you positively present your strengths during the interview process.
Most people are familiar with career assessments that gather information about your personality or interests. While Priority Candidates recognizes the value of these tools, we use the Pathway Planner and Profile XT Select, which are only available to professionals like Sarah, who are authorized to use them. These assessments provide a better foundation for our in-depth process and have the following benefits:
There are numerous free assessments available online, but their accuracy, precision and ultimate effectiveness can be undermined by the following issues:
Yes! The Priority Candidates Career Assessment Program combines your data with your personal preferences and interests. The Assessment Specialist spends time interpreting what your results mean for you and listening to your input.
Our Career Assessment program is an individualized, coach-guided exploration of the 800+ careers you have to choose from. Whether you are a college student, recent graduate, or a young professional considering a career pivot, our assessment process maximizes the chances that you will find the right career match so you can excel and bring passion to your work. The strong relationship between job fit and engagement is critical to identifying options that are at least a 75% job match with your assessment profile. Our clients have greatly benefited from this process because it has led them to choose careers that they succeed in and enjoy.
College students, use your assessment outcomes to guide your course selection, or as the foundation for our Internship Coaching Program
Graduates, use your career matches to initiate your job search, or enter into the Priority Candidates Career Coaching Program
Individuals, dissatisfied and looking to change careers, use your results to move in a new direction, or begin our Career Pivot Program
The Priority Candidates Career Assessment Program has distinct advantages for college students, grads, & young professionals looking for their best career path.
If you want to change your career, talk to the career coaches at Priority Candidates. We offer career coaching for college graduates and young professionals.