Our Career Assessment Specialist at Priority Candidates has successfully guided our clients in making informed, data-based decisions about their best career paths for over 15 years. Her expertise in interpreting and evaluating career assessment results has been particularly valuable to college students & recent graduates planning their future careers, as well as young professionals looking for a career transition.

The differences between free online career tests and the Priority Candidates Career Assessment Program, are significant. Here is what we have learned from the outcomes of hundreds of our clients who have benefitted from our individualized, coach-guided Career Assessment Program.

All Career Tests Are Not Created Equal

Most assessments available online that are free or offered at a nominal cost only gather information about your personality or interests. Their accuracy, precision, and ultimate effectiveness can be undermined by the following issues:

  1. These online assessment tests are self-reporting and rely on the individual’s understanding of the questions and their capacity to select answers that accurately reflect their own abilities, preferences, and interests.
  2. Most online assessment tests were not developed following rigorous scientific methods. This casts doubt on their validity and the accuracy of their results.
  3. Online assessment tests are not able to predict future job performance.
  4. Once completed, you are on your own to interpret the results and devise a plan for next steps, leaving one frustrated and without clear direction.
  5. Most importantly, the results do not provide high percentage matches with specific jobs and careers.

Our Clients Have a High Probability of Career Engagement and Success

  1. Our personalized, in-depth exploration goes beyond cataloguing personality traits and interests by measuring cognition. Understanding cognitive behaviors allows us to accurately align your strengths with your interests.
  2. Based on a more scientific approach, we are able to guide you to careers where you are likely to have better job performance and greater achievement.
  3. There is no need to waste time trying jobs by trial and error. Our career assessment process matches you with specific jobs and careers to provide you with clarity, confidence, and direction to move forward.

Whether you are a college student trying to figure out what to do when you graduate, a soon-to-be graduate who doesn’t know what they want to do after graduation, a young professional who is looking to make a career pivot, or a parent trying to help your young adult identify their best career options, the Priority Candidates Career Assessment Program can help you bring your career into focus so you can excel and bring passion to your work. Please contact us to learn more about how our clients benefit from this process of deep discovery.


99% Client Success Rate


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