I’m going to walk you through the career assessment process now. So the process typically takes three to four weeks. But we’ll work with your schedule and whatever works best for you. But typically, it’s three to four weeks.

You’re going to take two online assessments, and these are not the kind of assessments that you can do poorly on. Whatever answers are right for you is right for you. We’re going through three sessions together, and that includes our introductory meeting. During our sessions, I’m going to review your assessment results with you.

You’re going to get a chance to give me your feedback. We’re also going to review review your career matches, and you’re going to get a chance to look at your career matches on your own. And then we’ll do a deep dive analysis into your careers.

I want to point out that you have a say in this process. You absolutely do. I’ve had students ask me in the past, “Sarah, are you going to just tell me what to do?” Well, I’m here to tell you that you have one hundred percent of a say in this process, and I’m going to listen to everything that you have to tell me. So if there are certain kinds of careers that you like more than others, if there are things that you’re really good at maybe, but you don’t want to pursue, I’m going to listen to that, and it all goes into our consideration and thinking out career direction. We also use this fantastic database that is going to look at the eight hundred plus careers that are out there. It will look into your work styles, your work values, work activities — all the valuable things we need to think about in terms of career direction.

Most of the clients that work with us have never seen this database before, and this is the first time they get to see it. So they really appreciate the tutorial and the understanding of how to use the database. They like using it during the process. And then they’ve also told me of using after down the road, maybe a couple years later when they’re thinking about the next stage of their career development. So it’s a great part of the career assessment process.