Why do you need to work with an expert for your career assessment?

You are a wonderful, complex, unique individual. No computerized report can appreciate who you are in a meaningful way. The Priority Candidates Career Assessment Program is more than the output of an online test — our Assessment Specialist, Sarah Birdsong Major, makes the data come to life. The magic happens during the sessions when you’re talking one on one about you and what the data means specifically for you — not anybody else.

You rarely get to spend time like this, working with someone who is truly paying attention to you, seeking to understand what drives you, and where your abilities and aptitudes intersect with your desires.

So much can be gained through this process because you might be suited to multiple career directions, but only a few might be a good fit.

Online Career Assessment Tools

It is possible to find career assessment tools online, but they are not all statistically reliable, nor are all results valid. Working with our professional Caraeer Assessment Specialist means your results will be interpreted and validated by an expert.

During this process, you are going to go out of your comfort zone, and that’s a great thing because really good things happen when we get out of our comfort zones. This is another reason you’re going to want somebody to be with you, listening to you and guiding you — figuring out how your unique interests, thinking styles, and behaviors all relate to your personal career direction.

Thank you so much Sarah! I really appreciate how much care you put into our sessions. I am so grateful for your help. I hope we can keep in touch as I work towards the next stages of my career.

Young Professional
Employed by Communications Company

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College students, new graduates, and young professionals seeking career direction turn to Priority Candidates, the best career coaches in NYC and all of the United States. If you want to hire a career coach, don’t settle for anyone less than the best!


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