Judy Panagakos, a Master Career Coach, answers the all important question…

How to Find the Job That Will Launch Your Career?

Parents want to ensure that their college graduate makes the transition to professional life smoothly and successfully. This important and sensitive work must start with identifying a career direction that makes sense for the individual. Navigating the highly competitive process alone, and executing the many steps involved, is a daunting prospect for young people.

Established professionals can make it seem easy to prepare for and find a job, because in some regards the process is simple, but actually doing it is not easy at all. The very real challenges become apparent once you begin, and they frequently contribute to anxiety felt by the job seeker and their families.

At Priority Candidates, we focus exclusively on college and post college job seekers. We collaborate with job seekers by establishing a practical career strategy, preparing their resumé, practicing for interviews, coaching them through networking so they find advocates to support their candidacy, and many more steps.

In this series, “What To Do If You Can’t Find A Job After College” we pinpoint the challenges and share a perspective on how Priority Candidates Coaching programs help job seekers. This series focuses on the recent college graduate and their parents.


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Here are some topics we’ll be covering:

  • Are you thinking objectively about your current skills and what you need to be competitive?
  • Are you comfortable and agile promoting yourself to people you don’t know, online and in person?
  • Do you find it easy to talk with people when you first meet them? Do you know how to find and engage advocates for your candidacy for your professional goals?
  • Are you consistently organized and disciplined about your job search process?
  • Have you trained to interview well? Have you been practicing to be ready for any type of probing interview?
  • Are you actively applying to the right jobs, immobilized by uncertainty, or aiming at lofty, senior roles before you are ready?

Let’s talk about how you can find career success

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Career Coaching for College Students

The coaches at Priority Candidates are committed to helping college students through every step of their early career journey, from identifying the right career direction, planning classes and skills that will be required for success, to finding relevant internships, networking, job sourcing, interview preparation, to accepting a job offer. We work with students entering college, those seeking internships, students nearing graduation, and recent graduates.