Artificial Intelligence

The advent of ChatGPT and other AI tools is exciting, but how relevant are they for your job search? AI offers much more than just resumé writing or cover leter generation tools.

At Priority Candidates we seek to ensure that our clients are using AI to enhance their career journey. Many of the industries our clients seek to enter are investing heavily in enhancing their infrastructure and operations with these tools. The rate of adoption of the technology is astounding, far surpassing major technological disruptions that came before. In 2023 AI was a hot topic in college graduation speeches and keynotes; almost all mentioned the new frontier AI has put before us.

Our career coaches routinely use ChatGPT to support clients and enhance our work. We have also been studying the use of AI tools across the Career Coaching & Development community. New frontiers always have risks, and we have seen instances of people using AI inappropriately, so we harness these examples as teachable moments for our college age clients.

Technological Inflection Point

Let’s step back strategically to ensure we drive a healthy adoption of AI’s capabilities. Below we offer a framework for how we, and our clients, and their families should incorporate these powerful tools into our work together — first as individuals and then collaboratively.

1. Use It Now.

Do not sit on the sidelines and wonder about it. Jump on this wagon train and head for the frontier as it is unfolding. Jump on or in — it can’t hurt you. If you are still among the uninitiated, the first question you could ask ChatGPT is to seek to understand how those in your target industry (or future career prospects for your major) are incorporating it into the current and anticipated future environments. Understand the positive and negative aspects of use for all areas of your life and career that are important.

2. Leverage AI To Enhance Your Initial Thinking.

If you are trying to accomplish a goal, list all the steps you envision to achieve that goal on your own, then ask it to point out what you missed. We are suggesting that you effectively learn from it, so that you can personally apply the new ideas in the real world, unassisted. It’s not a crutch; it is harnessing the power of others who went on the journey before, considering all the information it can access. As it grows more powerful, daily, the answers and information will grow as well.

3. Harness AI’s Power To Enhance Real World Interactions.

Help yourself or you child prepare for discussions and meetings with people in real life. Use the tool to learn about people you meet with. Be curious and prepare to ask questions. Use AI to learn more about a professor, your interviewer, or new boss.

Of course these are just three high-level starting points. Your job search is a complex process and AI won’t do it for you. If you want to succeed in the hyper-competitive job market, reach out to Priority Candidates to learn about the other ways our career coaching services will advance your prospects for the future.

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