The end of the year is when many of us make resolutions for the New Year. At Priority Candidates, we are seeing an increasing determination among young professionals to make a career change. Perhaps this has been exacerbated by the number of recent layoffs in the technology, financial services, real estate, and entertainment sectors, to name a few. Maybe this is a reaction to starting a career in the wrong role or industry, or just an acknowledgement that one’s career is not fulfilling. Whatever the impetus, there are some unforseen obstacles to making a pivot that we can help you overcome through a career path assessment and targeted career pivot coaching.

Getting Started Can be the Hardest Part

Maybe you have come to the realization that you want to explore a new career path. With 800+ careers today, the biggest obstacle might be deciding what roles make the most sense for you and identifying where you are most likely to succeed and be happy. If you can’t get clarity on what to do, it will prevent you from moving forward effectively.

Priority Candidates uses highly regarded career planning resources to help our clients understand their unique attributes and identify specific careers that align with their behaviors, thinking styles, and interests. Our assessment process allows our clients to gain the data driven insights required to identify careers that are a good fit in these 3 areas without wasting time.

Knowing how you want to move forward allows you to build a plan for your job search. You can start identifying opportunities to network, knowing what direction you want to take, so that you can get the best and most relevant advice. Armed with the knowledge about your career plan, you can identify and address skills gaps, and craft your resumé to reflect the soft skills needed to effectively pivot from your current role.

Why Make a Career Transition?

There are many reasons to make a career transition, but change for the sake of trying something different may not necessarily improve your situation. Being empowered with the knowledge of how to focus your unique attributes is a clear formula for success. With this foundation, you will be able to identify the best opportunities for your career success that will leave you more engaged, allow you to build new skills and knowledge, find a more positive culture, and potentially better work-life balance.

If you are looking for career direction in your career, please contact Priority Candidates. Our Career Assessment expert will be able to share how our assessment can get you started quickly in the right direction with the knowledge of specific jobs that offer you the greatest chance for career success.

Let’s talk about how you can find career success

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